• February 7, 2025

Meeting of the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Deputy Director General of the Thailand International Cooperation Agency

On 18 May 2023, on the sidelines of the working visit to Thailand, the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Permanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UNESCAP, Ardasher Qodiri had a bilateral meeting with the Director General of the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh.
At the outset, the Director General of TICA provided brief information about their Mission, Scope of Work, and Objectives. TICA’s mission is to advise on the government’s policy relating to development cooperation and to implement bilateral development cooperation projects with foreign countries, inter-governmental organizations, regional organizations, international NGOs, and other relevant international entities. TICA aims to undertake development cooperation according to the government’s foreign policy and foster good relations with foreign countries, especially neighbouring countries. TICA’s mission also includes supervising Thailand’s multilateral development cooperation strategy and implementation.
TICA’s Scope of Work includes planning, follow up and assessment of bilateral and regional development cooperation strategies and projects, implementing development cooperation projects in accordance with Thailand’s foreign policy and Sufficient Economy Philosophy (SEP), cooperation with the international community through bilateral, trilateral, and multilateral channels with the public sector, private sector and NGOs.
And accordingly, their objectives are to promote sustainability and sustainable development in other countries by sharing best practices, especially those concerning the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP), etc.
The Ambassador of Tajikistan requested to conduct trainings for governmental officials and other experts of Tajikistan, especially in project development and conducting studies, which is crucial for the country.
The two sides expressed their readiness and willingness to further strengthen cooperation at bilateral and other levels.


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Meeting of the Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan with the Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand

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Bilateral Meeting between Ambassador of Tajikistan to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand andPermanent Representative of Tajikistan to the UNESCAP, Ardasher Qodiri and UNUndersecretary General and Executive Secretary of the Commission, Armida SalsiahAlisjahbana