• February 13, 2025

Passport Services

In August 2014, the Embassy has launched the centre for collecting information for issuing biometric ID documents (passports) for the citizens of Tajikistan.

The Embassy is ready to assist all Tajik citizens, who are living and studying abroad by issuing biometric ID documents (passport).

The biometric passport can be issued on the basis of the following documents:

  • a written request (ариза)
  • completed application form (provided by the embassy)
  • 4 ID size (3.5×4.5) photographs
  • original and copy of the internal passport of the Tajik citizen, original and copy of the foreign passport of the Tajik citizen
  • original and a copy of the visa
  • proof of address

For kids: in addition to above mentioned – birth certificate, passports of parents, marriage certificate of parents

Scanned copies of all requested documents except photographs and written requests should be sent to the Embassy email prior to the visit to the Embassy.

The applicant will be invited to visit the Embassy to provide biometric information.

 In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan №15 dated 25.01.2010 para 1.17 the consular fees related for issuing biometric documents identified in amounts:

  • 100 USD for 16 years old and over
  • 25 USD for children (up to 16 years old)

 It will take about 1 month to review the application form and issue a new biometric passport.The passport will be issued at the Main Consular Department, MoFA, Tajikistan.You will be responsible for the passport collection and delivery. The Embassy does not provide delivery services.


If you lost a passport while in you are in Malaysia, you must do the following:

  • Report your passport lost or stolen to the police. You need a Police Report to carry with you until you receive a certificate/new passport from the Embassy of Tajikistan.
  • Report the loss to the Embassy

 NOTE: The Embassy no longer provides passport extension services.