Tajikistan intends to simplify the process of obtaining tourist visa. This is provided by the new three-year plan within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of Tourism in the Republic until 2030, which was approved by the Government of the Republic, reports “Asia Plus”.
In total, the plan contains more than 70 activities to be implemented in 2019-2022. Among them, improving the legal framework in the field of tourism, improving the level and quality of receiving and sending tourists, simplifying the procedure for obtaining a license for tourist activities. In order to increase the interest of the private sector in the tourism industry, it is proposed to provide tax and customs benefits in this type of business.
In addition, the plan of activities involves the development of new tourist routes, the construction of new hotels and recreation areas, conducting various studies to identify and eliminate shortcomings in the tourist industry. The authorities intend to create a tourist brand of Tajikistan, which will be promoted in the foreign market. The country organizes training courses for guides and museum staff.
In 2018, according to the Tourism Development Committee, 1.155 million foreigners entered the republic, which is 2.6 times more than in 2017.
In April of this year in Tajikistan, duties were introduced for foreign tourists visiting the country. Foreigners now have to pay for each day of stay in this country for $ 1. According to officials, this fee will not have a negative impact on the flow of tourists into the country, since its size is not too large.
In May, the tourist police information office opened at the Dushanbe airport. It is assumed that tourist police officers will meet foreign guests and talk about the rules of stay in Tajikistan, provide them with legal advice, and offer brochures with useful information, in particular, about the services of insurance companies, mobile communications for tourists, taxis, airports, telephones trust. If desired, tourists can request a service of escorting the staff of the tourist police department on site it is free in the city, escorting by region costs TJS 250 ($ 26.5).