• July 27, 2024

International Universal Exhibitions «TAJIKISTAN-2021» July 12-16, 2021 (Spring) October 28 – 31, 2021 (Autumn)

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan invites members of companies to participate in the International Universal Exhibitions “Tajikistan – 2021” which will be held on July 12-16, 2021 and October 28-31, 2021 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan.

Participants of the exhibitions “Tajikistan – 2021” will get an opportunity to showcase their products and services, to examine requirements of the market, to find trade partners and to receive full information about the conditions of market in Tajikistan.

Main sections of the Exhibitions:
• Energy. Hydropower. Power equipment and technologies;
• Mining (machinery and equipment for the processing of precious and semi-precious metals);
• Machinery;
• Metal. Metal-working equipment;
• Chemical industry. Mineral fertilizers. Household chemicals;
• Agriculture (agricultural machinery, spare parts, equipment, processing of agricultural products, veterinary medicines and equipment for drip irrigation);
• Agro-industrial complex. Food industry: (technologies and equipment);
• Equipment for a public catering and trade;
• Construction: construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, houses. Construction materials, construction, municipal, road, career equipment. The equipment on processing of local raw materials for production of building materials.
• Wood and Woodworking;
• Light industry. Equipment for the processing of cotton, cocoon, wool, leather and recycled materials;
• Medicine, pharmaceutics (technologies and equipment for processing of medicinal herbs), medical equipment, etc;
• Information technologies and telecommunications;
• Transport and logistics;
• Autoparts, accumulators, tires;
• Banking services, technologies and equipment;
• Safety, survival equipments and fire protection;
• Equipment and technologies forjewelry production;
• Packaging, Tare, Label and Polygraphy;
• Equipments for the production of children’s toys and gifts;
• House hold goods;
• Oil products;
• Processing of waste;
• Tourism and travel. Spa treatment;
• Handicraft.

International Universal Exhibitions JULY 12-16, 2021 (SPRING)

International Universal Exhibitions OCTOBER 28-31, 2021 (AUTUMN)

Mirzoshoeva Adolat, Chief Specialist of the Chamber of Commerce of Republic of Tajikistan 734012 Valamadzade street 21, Dushanbe, Tajikistan, Tel/fax: (+992 37) 227 13 78, cell: (+992 93) 587 71 21. Email: adola.m@mail.ru, mirsaidov.d@inbox.ru, chamber@tpp.tj Web:www.tpp.tj


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