• February 13, 2025

President Emomali Rahmon Becomes Acquainted with Dushanbe Further Reconstruction Projects

On 23.02.2024 , Dushanbe City Mayor, Honorable Rustami Emomali, presented projects for the reconstruction and further improvement of a number of streets, avenues and neighborhoods of the capital to the Founder of Peace and National Unity — Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon.

As the Mayor of Dushanbe, Honorable Rustami Emomali, informed the President of the country, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, within the framework of the further implementation of the General Plan of the city of Dushanbe, according to the projects developed in line with international standards of urban planning, a number of streets and avenues and old neighborhoods of the capital will be reconstructed and improved.

In particular, the development of the left bank of the Dushanbe River, adjacent to Abdulahad Kahorov Street, from the intersection of Saadi Sherozi Avenue to the southern circular street, in an area of about 110 hectares, is planned in accordance with the norms of the facilities of the household and entertainment sector.

In the same way, Saadi Sherozi Avenue from the intersection of Nemat Karoboev Avenue to the west to the intersection of Jabbor Rasulov Avenue and the two sides of Aini Street to the eastern exit of the capital will be reconstructed and improved in an area of 138.1 hectares.

Honorable Head of State Emomali Rahmon emphasized that during the development of projects for the reconstruction of residential areas, the high demands of architectural art, the construction of all social and communication infrastructure, including schools and hospitals, kindergartens, service centers, sports and entertainment facilities, beautiful parks and alleys, as well as wide roads, electricity, lighting, water supply and sewerage networks and all other standards of modern urban planning should be taken into account. It was instructed that residential buildings should not be planned too high.

Specific instructions and orders were also given regarding widening and beautifying the streets and avenues, improvement of both sides of the roads, construction of flyovers at large busy intersections.

It was emphasized that large trade and service centers and other necessary buildings and facilities should be built in all areas of the capital, including on its outskirts, so that people in all parts of the city have access to them and thus traffic jams in the central streets will be avoided to some extent.


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